By Design - October 2022
It is deeply satisfying. But it takes effort and intention. Regardless of what 3-step formula and 5-step process you use to get there, you can’t do it without this one principal foundation:
people trying to live their lives. And an enemy to hostile competitors or peers who want them taken out. Unless you are very intentional about positioning yourself in this busy marketplace, the market will bully you and dictate your position to you. What you end up with is the outside dictating the inside, instead of the inside (your purpose) creating the outside (your reality). Why People Hustle and Grind I would argue that the main reason business owners struggle, hustle, and grind with little rewards is because they abdicate their power to create their reality. These are smart hard-working people, but they are busy running their business. Or to put it more accurately, their business is busy running them. Creating your reality requires focused energy—a rare resource in our world today. It also requires a shift in your thinking, a mindset change. Believe that you have the power to decide where you land in your market and how you are perceived and accept that responsibility. Take time to determine that message, and then be relentless about communicating it. Your message doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, it will evolve as you put it in emails, newsletters, blogs, speaking, videos, and in every interaction.
Accept Responsibility for Creating Your Reality
To put it in business terms, it is similar to the principle of “market positioning.” Positioning yourself in your market means knowing who you serve, what problem you solve for them, and why they should pay attention to you. And then use various modalities to communicate this to your market, peers, and clients.
Email marketing expert and Zine client, Ben Settle, is very intentional about creating his reality. He calls it world-building.
Scan the QR code to read how he defines world-building.
As you create these things, you will (re)discover your power to create. You will learn to be comfortable operating in it. How will you know when you get there? That’s a trick question. There is no “there.” It is a journey. There will be demonstrations of your success: your income, your relationships, the freedom you’ve gained, and the things you’ve created. But your greatest treasure will be your power to create. And your legacy will be the things you create, including your reality.
Ben Glass’s book “LiveLifeBig: A User’s Guide” is a compilation of his life philosophy. Zine scanned
Unfortunately, most business builders fail to do this. They default to having a simple presence and an announcement of their services to get clients. And so become more noise in the crowd, taking up space. They are a nuisance to busy overwhelmed an actual page from his journal to create the cover design. His journal represents his creative power. It is the place where his ideas are stored and become reality.
If you would like to work with Zine to discover your unique marketing position and how to leverage it to scale your practice, visit www. 11
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