Legal RN Reporter (A Publication of Haibeck and Associates Legal Nurse Consulting)


Memorial Hospital, where I stayed to work as an RN after nursing school graduation. I believed I could help those acute leukemic teenagers and their families cope better with the diagnosis. Reflecting on my career, I realized none of the specialties I worked in existed when I graduated from nursing school in 1975 ( the same year ibuprofen came on the market – patients were getting two aspirin for complaints of pain at that time). Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, venous access devices, cancer genetics were all examples of subspecialties in which I participated. Legal nurse consulting has been my most recent nursing endeavor and I have been serving attorneys and their clients since 2015. Making a difference in a client’s life or an institution’s policies and procedures by being an involved member of the legal medical team motivates me. My knowledge of nursing culture and inpatient and outpatient settings lends a unique perspective to a health-related case. Learning something from every case, no matter what the issue or specialty, I strive to provide my attorneys and their clients with an exceptional work-product. —continued from page 1 From Candy Striper (to Almost Journalist) to Legal Nurse


Magic of Mackinac Island

It’s been around a long time, but I only recently discovered the magic of Mackinac Island. Although tourists impact the population during high season of May through September, the year round population is only about 500. Yes, they have a year round school and I talked to one of the teachers there while she was driving the horse –driven carriage taxi during the summer. You see, the locals banned cars to the island in the early 1900’s, because the automobile noises frightened the horses. And it’s been that way ever since. Your car is left on the mainland and a thirty minute ferry ride gets you over to this three mile wide island. To me, it’s absolutely beautiful and historical. Horses have the right of way, then bicycles and pedestrians. I love the gentle clip-clop sound of the carriages and horseback riders passing. I have stayed at the same bed and breakfast, The Inn on Mackinac every time I’ve gone.

The Inn on Mackinac

I even took a watercolor class with a local artist – which is outside my comfort zone, and loved it. I don’t

Watercolor student work

think I’ll ever have my own exhibition, but I enjoy it. Shown are the samples of the students’ work – I’m not telling which is mine! Mackinac Island was a strategic center for the fur trade. Fort Mackinac was built by the British in the 1800’s and is open for tours. I hope to return this summer to continue my Mackinac Adventures. The fudge and ice cream are phenomenal!

The Legal RN Reporter Newsletter is a publication of Haibeck and Associates Legal Nurse Consulting. To subscribe, visit This publication is for information purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. The information in this newsletter may be freely copied and distributed as long as the newsletter is copied in its entirety. Design and publication by Zine ( Copyright © 2018 by Haibeck and Associates Legal Nurse Consulting. ABOUT SUSAN HAIBECK: As a legal nurse consultant with cancer nurse specialist experience for over thirty years, Susan has analyzed oncology cases such as failure to diagnose, extravasation of chemotherapy and non-chemotherapeutic agents, failure to obtain consent for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgical oncology cases. Susan provides value and benefit to her attorney clients with comprehensive and efficient reviews of medical records, preparation of deposition questions and affidavits, coordinating a ‘Day in the Life Video’ to visually portray impact of injuries, locating expert medical witnesses, assisting in exhibit preparation, conducting medical literature searches and integrate the literature into case analysis, and providing additional legal nurse consultant services as requested. For a complimentary review of medical records for your case, contact Susan at (630) 750-5486 or email

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