By Design - October 2022


Success for the sake of success isn’t fulfilling. But success with a purpose is. Money isn’t the only demonstration of our success. What other results are you achieving? What results are you achieving for your clients? That’s what this issue of The Results-Driven Life by Design is about. We inherently know that results matter. But the journey must be honored too. Like the process we use to deliver our services, the process we use to reach our life results deserves acknowledgment, improvement, and honor. SUCCESS FOR THE SAKE OF SUCCESS IS NOT WORTH IT. IT IS TOIL. I hope you enjoy reading the articles in this issue as they document the process of finding purpose–as entrepreneurs, husbands, wives, and more– and ultimately finding unexpected, happy results at the end. If this issue resonates with you, tell me about it. Email me at I always respond to our readers.

Building a business is not for the faint of heart. Entrepreneurs are some of the hardest working people on this planet. They are driven, courageous, and constantly having to face their demons to achieve breakthroughs. The entrepreneurial journey is exciting and full of possibilities. In the middle of this journey, we often hit a crisis. What is all the hard work for anyway? Is the countless hours working, late nights, failures, losses, and missed family events worth it? Success for the sake of success is not worth it. It is toil. It is easy to be focused on making money. But at some point, we need a bigger reason. Without it, there are only two possibilities: we either make all the money we want, get bored, and wonder what’s next. Or we will always be chasing after it, get burnt out, and wonder what’s next.

Kia Arian CEO/Founder of Zine

Meet with Kia Arian in Nashville! Scan the code to schedule time to discuss marketing ideas, growth strategies, and what's next in your entrepreneurial journey.

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